Make Sure Your Business Benefits From World-Class Energy Management
Energy is a major buzzword these days, with the importance of renewables and especially the lack of sufficient electricity through Eskom grabbing the headlines in South Africa. While energy is incredibly important, it is how it is managed that makes all the difference in terms of cost and efficiency.
This is an important consideration for any business or organisation, as efficient energy management can be the difference between success and failure. SecureMaq Projects is the best in the business when it comes to energy management, combining experience, expertise and innovation to ensure positive outcomes for clients.
The energy management and low energy services available through SecureMaq are amongst the most advanced in the industry, contributing to improving the efficiency and cost saving elements of organisations or institutions.
Why must a business pay any more than it should? With the right kind of energy management solutions from SecureMaq in place, that will be a thing of the past.
With strategic solutions implemented to assist clients across multiple industry segments, energy and cost-reduction is the result that has earned SecureMaq an excellent reputation.
The company employs a comprehensive set of energy management tools to increase efficiency and productivity while reducing costs for clients.
So, for example, in the case of an industrial or a manufacturing facility, power and energy utilities, a large retail or commercial property portfolio, or a brand new mixed-use development, SecureMaq’s energy experts can help manage all aspects of energy use and devise solutions that maximise efficiency and improve long-term reliability.
In support of the energy efficiency goals of companies, SecurMaq makes sure of compliance with complex carbon-driven and energy-related legislation, reducing energy consumption and costs, and assessing and implementing self-supply options.
The company, which is part if the CivMaq group, also helps clients to address key issues such as planning for increased energy demand, finding the right combination of on-site generation and energy purchasing, and evaluating energy sources and systems, including green technologies.
SecureMaq also focuses on critical concerns such as protecting and maintaining the power supply, improving energy efficiency and performing upgrades without adverse impacts on facility operations.
The energy management experts also deal with all energy saving and optimisation initiatives, by providing clients with the latest and greatest technology available. This assists them to make smart long-term decisions and investments into sustainable renewable energy.
Using state-of-the-art monitoring and energy management tools, SecureMaq makes a defined difference to efficiency, productivity and cost saving goals, by keeping control of energy consumption.
As a world-class energy management firm, SecureMaq have developed a successful track record and reputation as experts at identifying the correct energy systems for any business, and implementing effective, practical solutions that offer real benefits.